Who is She Does? And why you should care…

Audrey Waldron
She Does was born slowly over a few years, a transition period of my life as I was reinventing myself. My world was turned upside down in a cross country move and I dove head first into modeling swimwear and finding my voice that had been silenced for so many years.

Swimwear Trends for 2024

Audrey Waldron
As fashion evolves, so do swimwear trends. What catches the eye of a woman this season, may not catch her eye next year. Here are some of the hottest swimwear trends for 2024.

Understanding Body Types and Finding The Right Fit

Audrey Waldron
Knowing your body type can help you find swimwear that accentuates your best features. Shift your limiting belief of perfection and help your children, nieces and nephews, god children, feel seen and loved. And at the end of the day, that’s what this life is really about.

The Most Influential Women in Business

Audrey Waldron
It’s hard to be a queen among queens. Competition is a real thing and unfortunately in this day and age women tend to view the main tactic in winning is by attempting to undermine another woman in particularly attacks aimed at degrading, shaming, or inflammatory attacks. I can’t tell you how many of my closest girlfriends turned their back on me...

Thanksgiving, plus the best offer we've ever made.

Audrey Waldron

I have a special place in my heart for Thanksgiving. My dearest memories center around family, which gathers together at Thanksgiving. The most festive season of the year starts in my family at Thanksgiving. And...